Ep 163: How to make new habits NOT FEEL LIKE A CHORE- Answering your questions

Season #4 Episode #163

Systems for Self-Care! My new project! I am so excited to embark on this with you.


(Year of Growth is my 2021 coaching program. It closed today, and to my new clients, I am so excited to be your guide on your journey!)


To my future clients, expect to see a constant flow of videos and podcasts coming your way focusing on systems for self-care. I used to struggle with consistently taking care of myself. I'd start and stop a million different plans. Now I don't struggle anymore, and it's because I have these amazing systems. I want this for you too! I want you to consistently take care of yourself. When you take care of yourself, you are able to show up in the world and be your best self. If we really want to change the world, we need more people to feel good and do good.


So that brings us to today!


Answering your questions ----> "How do you make sure something is part of your daily routine without it feeling like a chore?"

Do these 7 things!

I share examples for:

1. Consistent online biz owners/podcasters/bloggers

2. Consistently healthy + imperfect eaters

3. Consistent runners


Lemme know what stood out to you / what you're going to do with this info. Email me: [email protected]

Watch this as a video: https://www.instagram.com/p/CJzQ-BlnHfd/

Get the  #365 Habit Tracker: https://www.imperfecteating.com/runwithjaclyn




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