Goals vs Systems

Uncategorized Apr 22, 2024

Whenever I am working on a goal, I always feel pressure and not like a good pressure. It brings up a lot of negative thoughts, am I going to be able to meet the goal, am I going to fall apart after meeting the goal.

Systems help me take action without a goal. Without pressure. Without negative talk. Because i just know I need to show up ad take action.


I am thinking about this in regards to running right now but so many things too.

I can't set a goal of running a half marathon because some days my foot is in so much pain, I cannot run.

But with a system, if my foot is in pain, I just show up again the next day and try again.

There is no pressure to hit a certain distance or feel like I am far behind.



And by focusing on a system instead of a goal, I was able to run 5 miles yesterday, and i feel excited to show up next Sunday and try again.


I might be able to do it, I might not, but I won't mess up my goal if I can't because my focus is just on showing up and taking action.


I'd like to increase distance every time I go, but working on 13.1 just isn't in the cards for me right now.

Showing up each Sunday is in the cards for me.



Just some thoughts around goals and systems. If you feel pressured by a goal and not in the good way, think about a system instead.


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