The Big 5+1 Motivational Journal

At first, the journal was simple and doable.

And then I added too much, made it really complicated, and didn't stick with it.

And then I came back, simplified it, and stuck with it.

And you know what? It has changed my life.

Taking action with this simple journal every day has changed my life.


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55: 11 Things That Help Me Stay Consistent with Solo Running


Have you ever trained for a race and then when the race was done, you just stopped running?

Or maybe when all the races were cancelled because of the pandemic, your motivation was gone and you stopped running.

Or maybe you were running but then something unexpected happened in life....

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Holiday Overeating- Your Mindset Matters


Eating fun foods is fun. It's in the sentence so it has to be true.


Food is everywhere during the holidays, and it can be stressful AF if you are used to being perfect with food and don't know how to handle imperfect food situations.



It can be stressful AF if you...

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