Feeling like a mess

Uncategorized Jul 05, 2024

Some days I just feel like a mess and like I can't do anything right. And then I remind myself I am doing the best I can. But it's also ok to want to do something different and feel a different way.


I know that for me, that starts with me dedicating more time to myself in the morning. I am...

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I miss my pup

Uncategorized Jul 04, 2024

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1st day of the month!

Uncategorized Jul 01, 2024

Happy July 1st :) Halfway through the year!


This month I am working on drinking a 2P (plants and protein) smoothie every morning.

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Lifting weights = body changes

Uncategorized Jun 22, 2024

We've been going to a crossfit type class for the last 3 weeks, maybe about 3 classes a week. It's insane how different my body looks and feels in just 3 weeks. My goal for the classes is to get stronger and see people in person and the body changes are the cherry on top.


I actually look...

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Better back = walking class today

Uncategorized Jun 11, 2024

Ah, my back is finally feeling better. I would say I am at 95%. There are a few movements where I am like oof, what is that, no thank you.


I went to my running class today and just walked the entire class. When it came time to do weights, I opted for 7.5lbs weights or dropping them and...

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Hurt my back = no running today

Uncategorized Jun 10, 2024

Welp, my back still hurts. It's definitely gotten better.


I've been walking and stretching and foam rolling and icing and heating and laying.


Today I slept in and didn't go to run class, so instead I went for a 1 mile walk so I could check off that I did something instead of...

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I hurt my back

Uncategorized Jun 09, 2024

Ugh, I hurt my back.


I had such a great week off from work! I went to my running gym and either walked and ran every morning. And I got so much sleep. And then we went to a new Crossfit gym, and we went 2x during the week and 1x on Saturday morning.


15 mins into the workout, I hurt...

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Showing up

Uncategorized Jun 06, 2024

Today I let myself sleep in a little but still went to class. I've noticed on Saturday mornings, I don't go to class and I feel tired the whole freaking morning. So even though I didn't want to go to class today, I still went, it woke me up, and I get to feel energized, happy, and proud.



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Procrastination, spending a lot of time getting ready

Uncategorized Jun 05, 2024

I was reading You Are a Badass today, and she was talking about how we spend a lot of time getting ready to do the thing instead of just doing the thing already. We spend time prepping and shopping and organizing and making things look pretty instead of just taking some sort of real action that...

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Forgiving yourself and moving forward

Uncategorized Jun 04, 2024

It's been almost 3 months since Jameson died, and when I look back on the time, I sometimes feel shame that I didn't accomplish more in my life, and then I remember my dog of 17 years died, and I was actually doing the best that I could with what I had.


Not every season of life is about...

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