Get Consistent With Mornings

Uncategorized Jan 03, 2024

This morning I was writing in my journal about how proud I am of all I've accomplished over the last decade:

-Learning to get myself up and moving on my own in the mornings

-Becoming a runner

-Heck, becoming a journaler


It's these small steps. These small daily actions that get us...

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Running in 2024

consistency Jan 02, 2024

Just finished my first running class in 2024. I am excited to start the year without goals pressuring me. I am excited to start the year with a sustainable system.


In the past, I've tried to create goals thinking they would drive me to take action. And they would... for a few weeks. But...

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Get Consistent With ___ in 2024!

get consistent with Jan 01, 2024

Happy New Year! Wow, 2023 was quite the year. As we start 2024, I am so excited for my Get Consistent With program. I am so confident this program can help anyone get consistent with anything. As long as you watch the videos, show up to the weekly coaching calls, and take action...

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25th Running Class

infinite game Dec 31, 2023

8 years ago, I did a 100-day running streak to prove to myself I could do something without quitting. It worked! I stuck to the 100 days! I ran 1 mile every day for 100 days.

Except it also didn't work. On day 101, I was so relieved to not have to run anymore. In fact, I didn't run for another 6...

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Birthday Weekend

Uncategorized Dec 30, 2023

Today is my birthday. 


A trip to Mexico and some hiking. This is 39.




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Flossing every day

Uncategorized Dec 28, 2023

Currently reading Atomic Habits with one of my clients, and I just read about habit stacking. I love this book because every time I read it, something different stands out to me.


Habit stacking means you add another small action to something you're already doing.


I already had a...

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Self-care through the holidays

Uncategorized Dec 25, 2023

Take some time today to do something for yourself by yourself. Even just 5 minutes away on a short walk will help you feel better in your head and in your body.

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A wonderful day to go for a run

consistency Dec 24, 2023

I just finished the best running class ever. It was tough. It was 75 minutes. I was sweaty. I kept checking the clock. I was ready for class to be over at minute 45... I thought about leaving at minute 45...

But I stayed and made it through class, and I feel great. 

We all have those...

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When you overeat through the holidays

overeating Dec 23, 2023

Give yourself compassion through the holidays. You're not going to be perfect, and that's okay. You don't need to use the holidays as a reason to eat in excess and feel terrible, but if you do eat in excess and feel terrible, you're not an awful human. You're not a failure. It's literally not the...

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How to change

Uncategorized Dec 21, 2023

From Atomic Habits:

1. Define who you want to be.

2. Take action to cast a vote for being that person.



Want to be a runner? Go for a run. Repeat the action.

Want to be a strong person? Lift heavy weights. Repeat the action.

Want to be a morning person? Wake up and do something in...

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