Who do you want to be?

I chat a lot with my clients about who they are being...

Who they see themselves as...


When you see yourself as a failure, a quitter, someone who is fundamentally flawed, you continue to take actions that uphold those beliefs about yourself.


When you want to see yourself as a...

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Who are you being?

identity small habits Oct 13, 2023


When you start your day by scrolling on your phone,

cleaning the house,

or opening your work computer, who are you being?



When you skip meals during the work day,

when you binge at the end of the night,

and when you skip meals the next day again,

who are you being?


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"People like us do things like this."

I just finished listening to Seth Godin's audiobook This is Marketing, and the sentence that stood out to me was "People like us do things like this."


Yes. Exactly. Everything I am trying to help myself with and my clients with can be summed up in those 7 words.


"People like us do...

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