"People like us do things like this."

I just finished listening to Seth Godin's audiobook This is Marketing, and the sentence that stood out to me was "People like us do things like this."


Yes. Exactly. Everything I am trying to help myself with and my clients with can be summed up in those 7 words.


"People like us do things like this."


From 2018-2023, I've working on being a consistent person in all the areas of life.

With food.

With dog walks.

With physical therapy.

With my business.

With my podcast during 2020!

With this blog over the last few weeks.


"People like us do things like this."


People who are consistent show up daily.

People who are healthy eaters eat healthy meals.

People who get shit done show up and do work a little work every day.

People who are happy in life say kind things to themselves.


"People like us do things like this." 

It's the root of 3-2-1 Journaling.

It's the basis of The 5+1 Motivational Journal.


"People like us do things like this."


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