Who do you want to be?

I chat a lot with my clients about who they are being...

Who they see themselves as...


When you see yourself as a failure, a quitter, someone who is fundamentally flawed, you continue to take actions that uphold those beliefs about yourself.


When you want to see yourself as a successful person, a consistent person, someone who achieves the goals they set, you. force yourself to take action to uphold those beliefs.


I don't naturally see myself as successful, consistent, or someone who achieves goals. I constantly have to work at this. But by continuing to take action, I get to see myself as successful, consistent, and someone who achieves goals.

If you want to change your success, change what you say about yourself.

Then take action to uphold those new beliefs.




Old beliefs: I'm an unhealthy eater, I binge, I can't stick to healthy eating

Old actions: Eating crappy foods

Old results: Stuck in the same place

Same old beliefs:  I'm an unhealthy eater, I binge, I can't stick to healthy eating


New beliefs: I'm a healthy eater, I eat balanced meals, I take care of myself with how I eat

New actions: Using the 5Ps to build meals

New results: Body feels better, body changes

New beliefs: I'm a healthy eater, I eat balanced meals, I take care of myself with how I eat


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