Kids learn from adults

Uncategorized Jul 24, 2019

My message has always been moderation.
In this video, I was teaching how to have salad + veggies with your pizza on Friday.

“Hey hi, eat plants AND have some processed foods AND you can still lose weight!!!”

Pretty innocent.

But this comment left by a former student
made me think about what I was adding to the world.

When I'm 80 years old + looking back on my life,
will I be proud that I helped women
obsess over their bodies + progress photos + the scale?

Or do I need to make a shift?

Because I just implanted the idea of weight loss into a former female student’s mind.

Like she needs her second grade teacher doing that???

Girls are going to have weight loss,
body obsession,
and food obsession
thrown at them for the rest of their lives
It was not something I wanted to be a part of.

So I made a shift.
I still believe in
-eating nutrient-dense foods
-learning to have a healthy relationship with processed foods
-finding a way to move your body in a way you enjoy
-saying kind things to yourself and showing yourself compassion.

I just don't talk about weight loss as if that will cure all.
Because it won't.
It makes us hyper obsessed over fixing things wrong with ourselves.

I also know that I cannot blame society
about these things that hurt women
bc I am a part of society.
We are a part of society.
What I put out there on social media,
what I say about my body,
how I talk about food,
how I act around food…

Most of my clients tell me they learned Weight Watchers
from their mom or aunt or grandma.

This little girl might say,
“I learned weight loss from my second grade teacher.”

I don’t think we need to sit with mom guilt
or teacher guilt
or whatever guilt
bc we can't go back and change the past.
It's done.

---> We were doing the best we could
at that time with what we knew. <---

But rather we have to be the ones who make the shift
in how we talk about food, our bodies, and living life…

It really is.

But also:
Listen to what you're saying about food.
Listen to what you're saying about your body.
Is it something you'd want for a young female in your life?
Make a shift in the way you go about things.

xo, Jaclyn


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