Does 1 minute even do anything?

I had been wanting to get back into a routine to work on a certain goal for some time now, but I was struggling to actually do it.

Can you relate?

Some people think they are "unmotivated" to work on a goal, but I've been teaching little kids and coaching adults for a total of 16 years, and the way I see it, what's really going on is: 

1. You don't know what to do. You simply don't know what small and doable daily actions you need to take.


2. You think the actions you need to take are really big actions, then you get overwhelmed, and then you don't do anything.


3. You don't have a trigger to start the actions. You say "It'll happen at some point today" and then never nail down when and where, so you never take action.


4. You haven't painted the pain you're feeling. You're coasting and trying to ignore the pain you're feeling. But people do not make a change in their lives until the pain they are feeling is too much, and they know they deserve better. They get to a point where they know they have to take action and do something to change and relieve the pain. Remember that.


I was struggling with these things too. So I took my own advice, I grabbed The Big 5 + 1 Motivational Journal and The 365 Habit Tracker, and I got to work. 


I used the journal to paint the pain and list the small and daily actions. And I decided to make it small. Super small.


The goal I was working on was my online business. The simple and doable action: I just needed to spend 1 minute a day on my business. That's it. 1 minute a day. I could respond to an email. And that would be my 1 minute. Or I could write go to Staples and print a workbook for a client. Or I could write a super short blog. 


It's been over 30 days of working on my business again. I've launched 2 programs in these 30 days- Consistency Camp and Get Consistent With! I've achieved my goal, but more importantly, I created a system for getting things done.


Some days, I just do a minute. Most days, I am excited once I start and do way more than just a minute. But a minute is still the minimum.



So yes, 1 minute does do something. 

What would change for you if you dedicated 1 minute a day to stretching? Or mobility? Or running?

1 minute a day to meditating? Or journaling? Or sitting on the grass?



I am excited to see where this goes for me. 

I am excited to see where this goes for you.


Create a system that works for you. You can start with 1 minute.





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