Getting back on track after a rough week

getting back on track Oct 27, 2023


I've had a rough week with sleep which impacted the rest of my day. I found myself falling into some not-so-helpful thoughts about myself.


And then I remembered a tool that has helped me and I teach my clients: The 3Rs.



R1 - Remind yourself you're an imperfect human like the other 8 billion people on this planet. No one is perfect. No one has a perfect day. No one has a perfect week. No one has a perfect life.


R2 - Reflect on your motivation. I exercise, eat well, and sleep so I can feel good/not gross. I don't like how it feels when I'm not taking action. I feel lethargic and week, and I hate feeling like that. I also don't enjoy the mean thoughts in my head when I don't take action. My motivation for taking action is so I can feel good/not gross.


R3 - Recommit to your system. This week still has not gotten back to how I want it to be, but I still went for walks every day. I still ate plants every day. I still had protein and plenty of water. Tomorrow is Saturday, and I am signed up for a fun run. Recommit to your system, and you can get back on track after a rough week.


Watch the above video on the 3Rs from Get Consistent With, my 8-week coaching program guaranteed to get you consistent with mornings, meals, or movement.


Next time your week sucks, know you're not alone. You're not a failure. You're not fundamentally flawed. 

Falling down a rabbit hole of those thoughts keeps you from taking action and perpetuates your feeling like a failure.

Using the 3Rs helps you get back in the driver's seat of your life so you can take action again and feel better in your head and body.




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