I missed class today

On Wednesdays, everyone shows up to class. No, like everyone. Meaning it's really hard to get a spot. 


By the time I signed up for today's class, I was 3rd on the waitlist.


I waited all week, and I never moved off the waitlist.


So this morning when I woke up to head to class, I saw I was still on the waitlist and had a decision to make:


1. Drive there to see if I can still get in but if I can't, walk around the neighborhood. But it's still dark out and I don't really feel safe walking around that area by myself this early.


2. Go for a walk in my neighborhood where other people are walking and I feel safer.


3. Head back to bed. 



I chose #2. It just helps me keep the habit going to follow through with the same motions. I think heading to class would have been really annoying had I not made it in, so just walking at home felt like the best choice. 



Results require repetition. Today's rep was not the best, but it was still something instead of nothing. 


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