Morning Meetings with Yourself

Uncategorized Feb 23, 2024

When I was a teacher, I loved the book Morning Meetings and did do a morning meeting with my students.

We sat in a circle, we played a short game or did some sort of greeting. We read a morning letter from me, the teacher. Sometimes we had a short lesson on emotions.

I've grown so much in my understanding of emotions and self-care since leaving teaching. In working with adults, I see how so many adults struggle with emotions and self-care and that those things are impacting their ability to stay consistent with mornings, meals, or movement.

When I was a teacher, I did morning meetings because I thought it was a cute/cool thing to start the day, but now I really see how important those meetings really are. 

I think if I were to be a teacher again, I would talk to my students about how I would want them to take time for themselves in the morning when they were adults too. 

I would talk to them about how I do a morning meeting with myself every morning and it sets me up for success.

I would talk to them about how it's important to check in with yourself before you checkin with the world. Kids and adults have phones and often check in with social media or work before taking time for themselves.

It's during these morning meetings with myself where I see what's going on, see what I am doing great, and see where I am struggling and what I need to do to change.

It's so funny to expect a 24 year old teacher to have the wisdom of life to help students. I feel like I would be such a better life teacher now as I am closer to 40 than when I was in my 20s, but I also do not have the energy or will to teach or be in a classroom again!


Back to the top of morning meetings with yourself.


Here is what mine looks like:


1. Movement. I move my body. Usually, I go to a running class. Today I took the pup for a 20 min walk on the beach.

The next all take care of my Mind:

2. Read. I read a self-help book. I am currently reading "Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?"

3. Respond. I respond to the reading on the same platform my clients use to respond to their daily reading.

4. Journal. I write in my journal about anything I want. I have pages to prompt me and blank pages when I just need to write. Today I made a list of 10 things I like about myself.

5. Meditate. I meditate for 1- 5 minutes. I use Headspace. If I am short on time, I just do the 1-minute breather. If I have more time, I pick the lesson of the day.

6. Blog. I write a blog every day. Like this one! Sometimes they're short when I am short on time. And sometimes long like today.

7. Meal. I eat a breakfast that has plants and protein. I get a cup with plenty of water. And I drink my coffee

: )


By having a morning meeting with myself, I get to breathe. I get to take care of myself. I get to learn and grow. I get to learn more about myself and be honest with myself. I get to review my goals and my habit tracker and focus on the actions I need to take.


I love my morning meetings with myself.


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