This week's workouts have been off...

Uncategorized Jan 25, 2024

It's been a tough week! I have felt so low energy at my workouts, and I think it's from my sleep being off this week. 

Things I am reminding myself:

1. Having a bad workout or bad week of workouts is normal. You're not a failure.

2. Just because this week was not great doesn't mean future weeks will also be not great. You didn't fall back. You're not weaker or slower. It's just not a great week.

3. I am still proud of myself for continuing to show up for workouts and doing something instead of nothing.

4. I need to prioritize sleep. If I am tired of crappy workouts, I need to sleep better which means having a bed time and enforcing it. 


Bed time:

If I need to wake up at 5:25am and need 8 hours of sleep... I need to be asleep at 9:25pm.


If I need to be asleep at 9:25pm, I need to get in bed at 9pm.


If I need to get in bed at 9pm,  I need to start my evening cleaning routine at 8:30pm...


More on this to come.


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