Weekend hikes for mental health

weekend Nov 04, 2023

When we first left Chicago in October 2022, we first headed out to Lake Havasu for a month.

We did so much hiking that month.


It was literally a 6-minute drive from where we were staying.



We went hiking every weekend. I went a few times by myself. It was exactly what we needed when we first left Chicago. A chance to be outside. A chance to be in nature. A chance to do something we couldn't do in Chicago.


But then we left Lake Havasu, and the hiking kinda dropped off.

We went to Phoenix, and hiking there was just so packed. I think we went once.

And then we headed to New Mexico. And it was cold out!


We finally headed out west again and landed in San Diego. 

It took a long time to get back outside. 

I was looking at trail maps and reading reviews about snakes, tics, and spiders and was terrified.


But today, we finally went. We found a place that wasn't too far and had no reviews about tics! 



It felt so great to be outside. It felt great to be away from technology. Away from a screen.


I almost asked Paul to take a selfie with me for this blog, and then was like ya know what, we don't need to. We can just hike.


Instead of a picture of us proving how happy we are, there are two pictures of our hikes.

Away from screens. Just an hour of easy hiking.

it felt so great, and I can't wait to go again. 



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