What I wish someone would have told me

What I wish someone would have told me

You’re going to try a bunch of things

A bunch of things

Some of them are going to work. But a lot of them won’t.

You’re going to feel like a failure at times. You’re going to feel at your lowest.
Like you’re far behind.
Like everyone else has figured it out but you haven’t.
You’re going to feel like a mess.

But you’re not a mess.
You’re figuring it out as you go.
No one knows how to do it from the start.

You’re not a mess. Figuring it out is messy.
It just is. It’s messy. But you’re not a mess.

You’re taking action. Perhaps inconsistently, sporadically. It’s part of you figuring out what’s going to work for you.

But keep going. Keep trying things out.
Keep telling yourself you’re the type of person who can figure things out. Because you will. If you keep that mindset, if you hold onto that belief, you will eventually figure it out.

It might take you longer than you expected. That’s ok. Everything takes longer than we expect. But just keep going. You’re going to figure this out.


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