A wonderful day to go for a run

consistency Dec 24, 2023

I just finished the best running class ever. It was tough. It was 75 minutes. I was sweaty. I kept checking the clock. I was ready for class to be over at minute 45... I thought about leaving at minute 45...

But I stayed and made it through class, and I feel great. 

We all have those...

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How to Get the Best Results

Currently rereading Atomic Habits with my client and just have so many good nuggets.


Reading the book reminds me why I named the website Systems for Self-Care.


Goals give us direction, but systems bring us there.

The purpose of goals is to win the game, but the purpose of systems is...

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Getting myself to workout today

In an ideal world, I’d always feel excited to go to the gym for my 7pm workout.
In the current world, I’m not always excited. But I’m here!
How’d I get here? Well after sitting in my living room unable to move, frozen in place thinking about how I should get...
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My day was a mess!

consistency Dec 13, 2023

Today was a mess. I didn't get to go for a long walk in the morning and am only getting time to sit down and do something for me.


I think in the past, days like today would happen and I'd say F it to everything.


But now I know that days like today come and go. It's a part of life....

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Being Proud of Yourself

The book I am reading (listening to the audio version) said we spend so much time picking apart our flaws and never spend time celebrating the things we're doing right.


I journaled today about how proud I was for working out while traveling.

10 years ago, I was just starting to work out.


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When you miss a day...

I forgot to blog yesterday! 

Over the years, I've learned that when you miss a day, the BEST thing you can do is just show up again the next day.


You don't need to punish yourself and do double.

And you don't need to add drama and shame yourself for being an imperfect human and say...

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Our Weekend Ritual

A couple months ago, I was feeling kinda blah about our weekends because we weren't doing much. Sleeping in, and that was kinda it.


We decided to start hiking again. Nothing crazy. Nothing far. Just an hour hike here and there.


It's become something I look forward to on weekends. A...

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The Road to 200lbs

I can't run very well right now. I haven't been able to run well for a bit, and it's frustrating because that is what I want to be doing.


But earlier this year, I declared that I wanted to see myself as a weight-lifter. And I started the Strong Lifts 5x5 plan.


As I got pretty...

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Only show up on the days you want to...

If you only show up on the days you want to...

the truth is you (and I) would probably rarely show up. 

We would rarely take action.


You're not always going to want to take action.

You're not always going to want to go for a walk or head to the gym or eat some vegetables with your...

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Track your daily actions

consistency habits Nov 18, 2023

If you aren't tracking already, you need to start!


1. It's going to take weeks, months, and years of repetition for your daily actions to pay off. It's helpful to see how long you've been going.

2. Seeing that you're taking action helps you take more action. You remind yourself you've...

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