Focus on doing just the minimum consistently

My client was trying to fit in long morning workouts, it wasn't happening consistently, and then she was beating herself up for only getting in a 15-minute workout. 

We chatted about maybe flipping the expectations. Instead of thinking she had to get in a 45-minute workout in order for...

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The best healthy breakfast...

is the one you will actually consistently eat.

For the past 3 months, that's been a plants+protein smoothie + something else, all using the 5Ps of course.

It's helpful for me to just have a smoothie so I know I am actually getting protein and I don't have to think about what I am going to eat.


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The best workout...

consistency habits Sep 02, 2023 the one you will actually consistently do.

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How to start a daily movement routine with 1 minute a day


I wrote a blog here about how working on my business for at least 1 minute a day helped me launch 2 programs and this blog again in the last 30 days! 

Which made me realize I should make a video helping you build a movement routine with just 1 minute day. 

Grab your free worksheet here!...

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Does 1 minute even do anything?

I had been wanting to get back into a routine to work on a certain goal for some time now, but I was struggling to actually do it.

Can you relate?

Some people think they are "unmotivated" to work on a goal, but I've been teaching little kids and coaching adults for a total of 16 years,...

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So you want to lose weight...



I don't enjoy coaching people to lose weight. The food obsession, the scale obsession, the progress photo obsession- it's not my cup of tea.

I absolutely love helping people become consistent with mornings, meals, and movement.


Focusing on weight loss never works long-term.

And it...

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The Big 5+1 Motivational Journal

At first, the journal was simple and doable.

And then I added too much, made it really complicated, and didn't stick with it.

And then I came back, simplified it, and stuck with it.

And you know what? It has changed my life.

Taking action with this simple journal every day has changed my life.


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72: How to handle life when it's kinda shitty...

Systems for Self-Care
72: How to handle life when it's kinda shitty...

Hey! It's been a while since I've blogged! (Says every blogger when they start blogging again!) March was crazy with Paul's dad passing, Jameson getting sick with Old Dog Syndrome, and us getting a call to go get our vaccinations while Jameson was a mess! 


In April and May, I decided...

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71: The Best Time to Workout: Morning vs Evenings


Hey! Hi! Super excited to talk about today's topic because I know a lot of people struggle with consistency when it comes to working out after work. But morning workouts seem like a drag. But evening workouts aren't happening... ugh.... 


Let's talk about the BEST time to workout.


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70: When You Get In a Fight With Your Significant Other


Hey! Just wanted to say thanks for reading my rambling. Hope it's helpful!


So this morning, on my walk with my husband, we found ourselves in a dumb argument. Literally 10 steps out the door. Ok, whatever. Let it go. Keep on walking.


A few more steps- another one. 

Turn the...

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