When you miss a day...

I forgot to blog yesterday! 

Over the years, I've learned that when you miss a day, the BEST thing you can do is just show up again the next day.


You don't need to punish yourself and do double.

And you don't need to add drama and shame yourself for being an imperfect human and say...

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Walks at 3am

Uncategorized Nov 30, 2023

A few months ago, California had a tropical storm a brewin' and we had no idea what to expect. We woke up at like 3am and couldn't fall back asleep.


So what did we do? We walked along the ocean. I know. Crazy.


It was just drizzling, but it felt so nice to be outside in a place...

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Taking action on the days you don't want to...

Uncategorized Nov 29, 2023

Taking action on the days you don't want to...

Helps you see yourself as a consistent person.

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A great workout solves everything

Uncategorized Nov 28, 2023

My running workout today:

5 minute walk

2 minute run, 1 minute walk, repeat 5x

1 minute run 7.0 on treadmill, walk till heart rate calms down and you feel like you can run again

1 minute run 8.0, walk till heart rate calms down and you feel like you can run again

1 minute run...

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When you're eating too much sugar...

sugar Nov 27, 2023

I made a podcast here about this topic but wanted to write a quick blog!

You may think you have an issue with eating too much sugar. You're not alone. Lots of people do. So what have you tried in the past? Cutting out sugar, right?

When I chat with people who eat too much sugar, I find...

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Our Weekend Ritual

A couple months ago, I was feeling kinda blah about our weekends because we weren't doing much. Sleeping in, and that was kinda it.


We decided to start hiking again. Nothing crazy. Nothing far. Just an hour hike here and there.


It's become something I look forward to on weekends. A...

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The Road to 200lbs

I can't run very well right now. I haven't been able to run well for a bit, and it's frustrating because that is what I want to be doing.


But earlier this year, I declared that I wanted to see myself as a weight-lifter. And I started the Strong Lifts 5x5 plan.


As I got pretty...

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Walks on the Beach Together

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2023

For the last few weeks, Paul and I have been starting the day with a walk together and ending the day with a walk together. 


I hope we do this for years to come, but even if we don't, I will always be able to look back on that crazy year we lived at the beach and went for walks...

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Only show up on the days you want to...

If you only show up on the days you want to...

the truth is you (and I) would probably rarely show up. 

We would rarely take action.


You're not always going to want to take action.

You're not always going to want to go for a walk or head to the gym or eat some vegetables with your...

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My Workout Program

habits strength Nov 21, 2023

I started doing 5 x 5 Strong Lifts earlier this year and saw quick progress in the first few weeks.


The program is simple. There are only two workouts with 3 lifts and 5 reps per lift.

Workout A: Squat, Bench Press, Barbell Row
Workout B: Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift



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